Meet Ryan

By |2022-01-26T13:42:56-06:00January 26, 2022|Clients, Success Stories|

Ryan is estranged from his family and, for three years, lived at an extended stay motel. When he lost the check card that carried his social security disability payment, he had no way of paying for his lodging and was at risk of having to live on the [...]

Meet Luke

By |2021-08-19T13:20:25-05:00May 28, 2021|Clients, Success Stories|

When Luke lost his job during the COVID-19 pandemic, he cut discretionary spending enough to cover the family's expenses for a few months. As the pandemic's economic toll continued, his savings were depleted, leaving Luke wondering how to cover the bills. Metrocrest Services was there to help. "If [...]

Meet Sharonica

By |2021-08-19T13:29:56-05:00February 5, 2021|Clients, Success Stories|

For years, Sharonica and her husband both worked to support their family of seven. So, when COVID-19 hit and Sharonica lost her job as a customer service representative, the family was at a loss on how they would pay the bills and put food on their table. The [...]

Meet Connie

By |2021-08-18T16:28:42-05:00January 6, 2021|Clients, Success Stories|

Connie, 73, has multiple chronic conditions, including COPD and knee issues that require her to use assistive devices to get around. Metrocrest Services helps Connie remain independent in her home by installing grab bars in the shower and ramps for her garage door to keep her safe from slips [...]

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This Giving Tuesday, help us provide essential hygiene items for local seniors in need. Hygiene products like soap, toothpaste, and incontinence supplies are crucial for health and dignity but are often overlooked during the holiday season. Your donation ensures that homebound seniors in our community are cared for and not forgotten. 