Contract period: January 1 – December 31
The Metrocrest Services Teaching Garden will provide the garden plot, water, access to tools (except hand tools/pruners), mulch, compost, amendments, and gardening information. A selection of seeds and some transplants will be provided for a nominal cost, when available. Gardeners will:
- Fully plant their plot with fruits and vegetables throughout the year. No tall or climbing ornamentals/perennials are to be grown in the plots. Fall plot care will consist of planting winter hardy vegetables, and/or a suitable cover crop, and/or a top dressing of compost or leaves to protect the soil. Gardeners not wanting to garden in the fall may offer their plot to be fostered (provided a foster gardener is available) but must continue to complete their work assignments.
- Donate at least 80% of their produce to the Metrocrest Services food pantry.
- Harvest their produce. Respect the efforts of other gardeners and not harvest from their plots without permission.
- If unable to be at the garden to harvest on a Saturday, their plot may be harvested if helpers are available.
- Water as necessary, being responsible for watering method and conservation.
- Weed their plot AND the pathway around their plot.
- Dispose of plant material appropriately for composting, as specified at each garden.
- Learn and use only organic gardening methods.
- Participate in community work assignments to maintain the garden.
- Check email at least weekly and read all garden messages.
- Register as a Metrocrest Services volunteer and record hours.
- Register and complete a background check form provided by Metrocrest Services.
Additional Guidelines:
- The Metrocrest Teaching Garden committee will oversee the gardens. The committee or designated member will assign plots, assist new gardeners, report maintenance issues, check supplies, ensure community work assignments are being done, check garden plots for compliance with agreement terms, and be available to resolve problems.
- Gardeners may adopt only one plot. Gardeners may be asked to foster a plot until such time as a new gardener adopts the plot.
- If for any reason (health, issues, work) you cannot maintain your plot, proactively inform your Garden Manager to determine the best course of action.
- Gardeners will agree to cooperate and collaborate with their fellow gardeners and report any issues to the Garden Manager. If issues arrive between gardeners, the appropriate sequence of dialog to help resolve any issue would be gardener to gardener, gardener to Garden Manager, then gardener to Committee Chair.
- Community volunteers (youth and adult) may be available at the gardens from time to time and are managed by the Volunteer Coordinator (if available), the Garden Manager, and/or the gardener who made the request for the assistance. Please contact the Garden Manager if you need community volunteers to assist in a project.
- Each gardener will pay a $50 annual fee to Metrocrest Services to assist in covering the ongoing costs associated with the garden. The fee will be due upon acceptance of this Metrocrest Services Plot Registration Terms of Agreement and annually as the contract renews.
***Gardeners must review and accept the terms of agreement before work begins on their plot***