Empowering Independence: Metrocrest Services’ Senior Services Program Supports Aging in Place

By |2024-12-09T09:50:23-06:00December 9, 2024|News, Senior Services|

Dallas ranks as the 9th fastest-growing community of people 65 and older (AARP). As the national trend mirrors this growth, the need for comprehensive support services that enable seniors to age independently in their communities is more critical than ever. Recent surveys reveal that over 90% of people [...]

Navigating the Journey: Caregiver Support & Resource Fair Provides Education, Encouragement, and Support

By |2024-01-26T16:20:19-06:00January 26, 2024|Metrocrest Events, News, Senior Services|

At Metrocrest Services, the commitment to community well-being takes center stage with the launch of the Your Health Matters Information Series. As part of this initiative, the Caregiver Support & Resource Fair, held on Friday, January 19, brought together over 40 community members for an evening of education [...]

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This Giving Tuesday, help us provide essential hygiene items for local seniors in need. Hygiene products like soap, toothpaste, and incontinence supplies are crucial for health and dignity but are often overlooked during the holiday season. Your donation ensures that homebound seniors in our community are cared for and not forgotten. 